Well Pumps & Booster Pumps
Over 30 years of experience in well pumps & booster pumps.
Well Pumps
Our pumps designed for each individual application depending on depth of casing, available gallons per minute and your required needs.
Have well pump problems?
Our experts can remove your existing well pump for troubleshooting and system diagnoses. Once we identify the problem we can fix it by doing the following:
Fixing your well pump
- Replacement of well cap and pump controls.
- Replacement or construction of new concrete well collars.
- Replacement of water line
- Replacement of electrical wire
- Replacement of torque arrestor
- Replacement of required fittings
- Complete well pump replacement
We are also experienced in installation of solar powered well pumps and solar panel array panels with mounting systems.
Some of the brands we’ve workerd with include but are not limited to Gould’s, Grundfos, Franklin, Dayton, Flo-Tec, Red Lion, and Echo-Flo well pumps.

Water Booster Pumps
Water booster pump installation, replacement and service work.
Need increased water pressure or water supply at a specific flow rate?
A Water Booster might be what you need. We offer pump and inline installations for both long distance and vertical applications. Systems can be installed with single pressure tanks or multiple tanks. Booster pumps that do not require pressure tanks are rated for constant duty and long run times. If you need various flow ratings, flow volumes, high lift or specific pressure we have you covered.
Our licenses professionals will take care of everything for you including but not limited to.
- Electrical
- Mounting
- Plumbing
We have a vast knowledge of the leading water booster pump manufactured like Grundfos, Walrus, Flo-Tec, Flow Jet, Franklin, Pentair, Dayton, Jacuzzi, and Simer.
Plastic Water Tank Welding and Repair
We can weld any kind of tank made out of plastic.
We are able to fix cracks, splits, holes and damage from heavy water fitting installations into tanks. Unlike some methods of welding/repairing tanks, our spin welding allows a quarter size disk to be melted into the original tank surface and become as strong as original material.
Using spin discs and wire stick welders for repairs we grid and notch the repair areas. Large damaged areas are plated on the inside with the same tank material, welded with spin disk welders then welded on exterior as well.
For interior welding jobs we have all required breathing apparatus and ventilation/evacuation air removal systems. Welding is especially great for tanks in areas of hard or tight access, where removal or replacement is not desirable, multiple inlets and outlets are installed and existing plumbing is tough to remove.
Common areas of repair, from cracking are located on upper and lower bulkhead fitting. Most common repairs are made on Nor Wesco, Bushman, Roto- Plas, Snyder, Ace, and Roto-mold.
Weld material comes in various colors to match most tanks. No size too small or large to repair. Tanks are cleaned and vacuumed of all debris from making repairs.

Water Tank Cleaning Services
Cleaning of interior and exterior of plastic, metal, concrete, and wood water tanks.
When was the last time you had you water tanks cleaned?
Let our experts remove the sedimentation and debris in your water tanks. Using our vacuum method cleaning along with our manual removal process we can remove years of years of build up including:
- Scale
- Sludge
- Mineral Deposits
- Sedimentation
- Debris
Hot and cold water pressure washing of interior and exteriors of all tanks will ensure complete sanitizing of tank interiors, fittings, and discharges. We also use a chlorine shock treatment for water tanks and plumbing systems.